Adding colours to Corporation Balwadi

Seldom do we come across examples of how much one can put the corporation properties to proper use and make sure that the intended end users get really benefited. Geetha Padmanaban of Thiruvanmiyur has created a miracle of sort, by reclaiming the space meant for corporation Gym and Balwadi at Sivakamipuram, from miscreants and made it into a positive space with the help of many donors. Karam Korpom had earlier done the wall art at the Gym part of the property. Today, we created the wall art on the Balwadi building, to make the space vibrant so that it can induce creativity among the children who use the space. A colourful theme in the hands of the enthusiastic volunteers has resulted into a lovely transformation of the space. The outcome was very satisfying and we hope the children who come there regularly will loved it.Thanks to Geetha Padmanaban who sphereheaded the project, Mr.Basab Pradhan who sponsored the project and the residents of Sivakamipuram for their support. Of course, KKF volunteers were at their best today. Another weekend well spent.