Karam Korpom Completes Silver Jubilee Project

It was a proud moment for the volunteers of Karam Korom. Yes, it was the 25th project of transforming public spaces into colourful social wall art gallery. On 23rd March, our volunteers took up one of the most abused public spaces in Mandaveli area, the long wall on the canal bank at Sringeri Mutt Road.
This space has been used as an unauthorised parking place for vans and taxis. The platform used to be full of debris and garbage. The place also served as a convenient place for urination and open defecation. TAKSRA, the residents of Tiruveedhi Amman Koil Street along with Ekoconnectors, an NGO focusing on clean environment took up the challenge of getting the place cleaned up. HDFC bank sponsored the paints. Our volunteers conceptualized and painted beautiful wall art and the result is stunning. Mylapore MLA Dr.Natraj was kind enough to drop by and encourage the volunteers.
It was yet another display of commitment and passion by our volunteers! Thanks to all our volunteers, supporters and sponsors for motivating us to travel so far. Huge number of volunteers turned up to leave their hand print onĀ this milestone project. With such level of interest and commitment, Karam Korpom is confident of hitting a century soon.