R.A.Puram Corporation school compound gets a new look

Following the drawing competition on “Save Water”, a wall art event was conducted at the Corporation Chennai High School, R.A.Puram, on 25th and 26th of Nov 2018. Selected concepts out of the student drawing competition were converted into wall art themes.
Corporation school children, student volunteers from Vidya Mandir and volunteers of Karam Korpom put their hands together to beautify the compound wall of the school. Members of Cultural Section of German Consulate also joined and experienced the joy of community wall painting.
The result was a stunning stretch of colourful wall, carrying powerful messages on water conservation. The impact of the wall art was so good that a lot of people passing through the road, did pause for a while and looked with appreciation at the wall paintings as well as the messages. Thanks to all the dedicated volunteers and TAKSRA members for their support.