“Vishranthi” Experience

20th October 2019, what an eventful day it was. We were to carryout a wall art at the Vishranthi old age home, Palavakkam. When we reached Palavakkam at 8.30 am we did not know what the day had in store for us. Despite the distance, 22 volunteers joined. After just 30 min into painting, it suddenly started pouring. All our work got completely washed away.
Disappointed, we took time to serve breakfast to the inmates of Vishranthi. The breakfast to the inmates was sponsored by Ms.Kalpana Krishnakumar, one of our volunteers. We also had breakfast and waited for the rain to stop. Rain God didn’t budge. We had to pack up and leave by 11.30 am.
When Sun came out by noon, there was a brief discussion whether we should go back and complete. Weighing the options we decided not to go. But again by 1.30 pm, when it stared becoming sunny again, Sairam proposed we should go back. Subathra backed up. 11 volunteers said they would join. So we started again by 2.30 pm and reached all the way to Palavakkam by 3.15. It was quite sunny.
But when you are pitched against Nature, you can never dictate terms. Without any warning, rain started again by 4.30 when the work was half way through. Dejected, we thought we had to wind up. But luckily rain stopped within 30 min, and we were determined to complete the work. At the end, when the work was completed a sense of satisfaction set in and it was worth the effort.
Today on 2nd Nov a small team of our volunteers went back again, gave the finishing touches and made sure that the painting is as per our standards. The pictures were noticed and published in couple of daily newspapers, without any of us informing them.
It was a great commitment from the team. Proud of all those who made it possible. 🙏🙏🙏