Wall art at Karapagam Gardens 2nd Street

Myth 1: Transforming an abused area will be possible only with the cooperation of all the residents in that locality.
Myth 2: Individuals can not do much other than cursing the people who abuse and the system.
Defying these myths, two individuals, Dr. Ramachandran and his wife Mrs. Mahalakshmi of 2nd Cross Street, Karpagam Gardens, Adyar, took upon themselves to fight persistently to clean up the corner of the street, that has been grossly abused with mindless garbage, wall posters, urination, illegal parking and all kinds of nuisances.
As usual Karam Korpom stepped in, lend them our hands and got the place transformed into a beautiful wall art corner last Sunday. Thanks to the enthusiastic participation of our volunteers. Local residents joined the celebration and put their mark as well.
This goes to prove that if few individuals in each area are willing to commit, the city can become beautiful sooner than later.