RK Nagar main road gets rids of posters on the wall

It is not uncommon in the City to see the walls covered completely with posters. But, if the residents take steps to get rid of them and be firm not to allow such defacing, the culture may change for good. RK Nagar is one of such examples. A stretch of wall completely defaced by layers and layers of political posters was reclaimed by the efforts of RKNAGARRA. Karam Korpom Foundation stepped in to create a beautiful wall art to maintain the wall poster free. The stretch was extended to the entire road, till the end where there is a public gym.Illegal occupation by a couple of vendors at the corner of the road was cleared with great difficulty and that wall also was beautified with an attractive wall art. Kudos to RKNAGARRA, the resident association and in particular, Mr.Bala, for the persistent effort in reclaiming the public place for common use. Karam Korpom Volunteers along with few residents of RK Nagar, got together over couple of weekends on 10th and 17th of April 2022 and created this beautiful wall art. Thanks to all those who gave a hand to this lovely transformation.