Independence day with a social cause

As the country is all set to celebrate the 75th year of independence, we at Karam Korpom Foundation, decided to celebrate it in our own way… by making an abused space beautiful with community wall art.
On the eve of the indepence day, our volunteers got together and transformed the much abused public space in front of the BSNL staff quarters at CIT Nagar. The place which was abused grossly, now looks beautiful with colourful wall art, created by our volunteers. We are sure it will stay clean and beautiful for many months to come.
Thanks to all the volunteers who put their heart and soul in making this colourful transformation. Thanks to Selva, a BSNL staff who also happens to be one of our active volunteers, for taking the initiative. Thanks to BSNL staff quarters resident association for their support and hospitality.
This is a project carried out with the funds of Karam Korpom Foundation.